
If you are considering whether or not acupuncture may make a useful addition to your patient's treatment protocol please reach out to discuss the case with me. I work in an integrative manner with your established treatment protocols for your patient, although I am happy to discuss the management of the case and make suggestions should you wish for input. 


To make a referral for acupuncture, our chronic pain clinic or the home visit service please fill out the appropriate form below (please use the home visit form for chronic pain cases) with a brief case summary and email to Alternatively please text, Whatsapp or call 07849759128. Due to the nature of the work I undertake, the practice mobile is often set to Do Not Disturb while I am with a client. For this reason, text or email enquiries may be easier but all voicemail messages will be responded to as soon as I am able. 


After we have discuss the case, providing you have obtained the clients consent, I will contact them directly to arrange a home visit and devise a treatment plan. I ask that a full clinical history be emailed to myself, including information on any recent laboratory testing and medication prescriptions, prior to the first acupuncutre consultation.


After I have visited the client I will email your clinic a detailed summary of the consultation and treatment plan. You will also receive a summary once the treatment has been completed, unless any changes to the treatment regime or recommendations change. In this instance a clinical update will be provided. 

 Acupuncture Referral Form

Home Visit Referral Form

Acupuncture patients taken on via referral remain under the care of their primary practice for all other veterinary care, including emergency and out of hour cover. By referring a case to Chapel Fell Veterinary Acupuncture (a subsidiary of Chapel Fell Veterinary Services Ltd) you agree to remain responsible for all routine and emergency veterinary care for the patient, in line with the RCVS under care guidelines. For home visit and chronic pain clinic clients, a shared responsibility for OOH will remain with both practices. OOH provision for Chapel Fell Veterinary Services is via Wear Referrals.